Thursday, April 10, 2008

All dressed up and ready to go!

Alright, I'm very disappointed in American Idol fans. Michael Johns got voted off tonight and I thought that Kristie Lee Cook should have gone. I think there are a lot of very talented singers this year left in the competition. Usually there are only one or two that stick out for me, but this year I like about five/six people.
I watched American Idol gives back last night and I was so impressed by Terri Hatchers performance! That was a really good show. Its really an eye-opener knowing that there are poverty stricken areas that right in the gold ole' USA. I think I take for granted little things like books, electricity, clean water, etc...
Jacob was so funny today. He woke me up today already dressed and ready to go for his field trip to the Dog House which had a variety of animals and bordered dogs. He was really excited for his field trip and kept telling me to get ready to take him to school. We went down to the Oshkosh outlet mall to take a couple of things back. On the way there I always point out the prison where the bad people live. He pointed to the other side of the road and said, "thats were the girls go to prison." It was a run-down trailer park. I think thats an oxymoron. Trailer parks have gotten enough knocking, so I'll just leave it at that.

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