Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Book of Life

The kids and I went outside early this morning and played, then ate messy foods right before bathtime. Birth to three came over and John really interacted well and was talking up a storm. I don't think Matthew said two words during the whole thing.

I decided to go to Sam's Club after lunch due to the fact we were out of Margarita mix, diapers, milk - all the essentials. I actually sat the kids at the bench and had them eat a snack and that worked out pretty well. I didn't lose anyone and no one fell off the bench. Well, at least not backwards.

As we were going to check out Brooke reached out to touch the lady ahead of us. I told her not to touch the lady in front of us. The lady turned around and we started talking. She told me she had a friend who had tried for years to have kids and now just had twins who were in the NICU. I told her about FVMOM and gave her one of my ribbonandglue cards so that the twin mom could contact me if she wanted too.

As we checked out she mentioned she had a son pass away last year. I gave her my condolences and she went on to say she had him for 23 years and she was thankful to God for that. She had mentioned he just had graduated and went out to California for a job and passed away there. Something clicked in my head. I asked her if he attended Fox Valley Lutheran (my alumni). She said that he had and his name was Ian. Small world that it is, Mark and Luann, who come over... their son was good friends with Ian. We talked some more about how life is so precious. Ian's name was written in the Book Of Life it little earlier than most people.

We kept chatting out in the parking lot, with both of us having tears in our eyes. But she told me to cherish every moment with my kids because it goes fast. She had such a uplifting attitude about Ian and that he was with God now. I think that conversation really strengthened my faith and reminded me that God has a plan for us all. We just have to trust Him.

Kids are pretty intuitive. I wonder why Brooke decided to try to reach out to her.


Anonymous said...

How beautiful that you can see God working through your daughter in literally reaching out for that woman. Who knows if she needed you or you needed her. I really enjoyed reading this entry!

Deanna said...

WOW....what a great post.
Looks like there really was meaning for Brooke touching her.

Faith is a wonderful thing....